One of the most popular trends in web design is to integrate social media conversations and user-generated content into company websites.

Having a link on your Facebook profile to your website is a way to attract traffic and promote your website.
Most websites are becoming really domant because most company owners fail to utilize this great importance because probably they think it’s a bit difficult.

Among the quickest Facebook features that you can integrate on your website are the social plugins such as the ubiquitous Like button. This button enables web visitors to share your page with their Facebook friends with just one click.
If you have a personal website, you probably don't want to copy everything on it to Facebook. It is easier to add the website address to your Facebook page. This is a relatively simple process. You can even add multiple websites. All you have to do is edit your profile information.

  1. Click your name in the top right corner of your Facebook page to view your Timeline.
  2. Click "About" under your profile picture to enter editing mode.
  3. Click the "Edit" button in the Contact Info section.
  4. Click on add website
  5. Type the URL of your website in the Website text box.
  6. Click "Save" to update your information.
With all these, you can not only make people like your sites, but you can also drive them directly to your website to get more information about your services.
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