We want to share with you some benefits of owning a website.

It is an under-statement to assume you should be lectured on what a website is; but despite knowing what it is and its benefits, are you using it to your advantages? If you have a website, do you know, it can become one of your most powerful tools and that is with little effort from you?

It is a known fact, everyone has the potential of doing more, accomplishing more, if only they know more of how to achieve that.

I will tell you about a friend, Steve. Steve started an estate agent business and was doing local networking - offline. Steve approach was like most of the emails, you might have received and neglected or ads. you must have seen but gave little importance to. It is normal to neglect some important information based on the loads of information coming your way daily. The truth is some of it, you do not need.

Anyway, after a while, Steve decided to get a website and we gave him a fair price and a site. Three months later, Steve felt it was a waste of time and money. He wasn’t getting any result online. Some of you might have experienced it. Then something happened. Steve reads a post like this with six steps and it changed everything.

The six steps are;

  1. Tell 5 people or friends on a daily basis about your website offer. (it doesn’t matter offline or online} ask for their advice.
  2. Write one reason why anyone needs to visit your website.
  3. Ask one friend to recommend you to anyone he knows.
  4. Find useful information and add it to your site weekly, create a library. Preferably; add a blog to your site
  5. Add videos to your site.
  6. Use your site as platform for related services or information.                                                                                                                               

In less than three months, Steve gets amazed by the number of traffic and enquiry he was getting. People start seeing him as expert and of course that mean more earning.

You too can try this. It may just work for you. And if you still need a helping hand or advice, feel free to contact me or my team. On behalf of my team, I wish you all the best.

TGR Web Designers help people, organization and company like yours to make the most online. Get in touch today
or contact us now via 09079050081
